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The BurrTools Interface

When BurrTools is started for the very first time the GUI will look like Figure MainWindowStart which shows the main window. Although some small variations may occur depending on your operating system, screen resolution, and display preferences settings. The GUI has four major parts. On top there is a menu bar that allows handling of files and offers extra functionality as well as some preferences settings for the program. At the bottom there is a traditional status bar presenting relevant information about the task at hand. In between there is a tools section on the left and a 3-D viewport on the right.

Figure:The main window on start-up

The BurrTools Menus

Below is a brief overview of the main menu entries with references to the places in the text where a more detailed explanation is provided.

This menu holds the procedures for handling files within BURRTOOLS and for exiting the program (→File Menu).
Toggle 3-D
Swaps the 2-D and the 3-D grids for the Entities tab (→).
Contains a submenu with 2 entries. One allows you to export the contents of the 3-D viewer that can be used to create high quality solution sheets (→ExportingImages). The other allows you to create STL files for 3-D printers (→ Exporting to STL)
Grid Parameters
This menu entry will allow you to change parameters for the currently used space grid. These parameters include things like scaling of axes or skew. Not all space grids support parameters.
This opens up a window containing lots of possibly useful information about the shapes of the puzzles (→ Chapter Status).
Edit Comment
Allows appending textual information to the puzzle file (→ Adding Comments).
This menu item provides some preferences settings (→ Config Menu).
Shows a window with some information about the program.

The File Menu

The File menu has all the traditional entries for handling files. Many of these are well known from other software and don't need much explanation. Some of the items also have keyboard shortcuts as indicated in the menus. Prior to executing most of these commands a warning (and option to cancel) is given whenever changes to the current design haven't been saved yet.

Starts a new design after removing all the information of the current one. The first thing that happens when you start a new puzzle is that you will be asked which spacegrid to use. When BURRTOOLS is started it defaults to using the cubes spacegrid, so if you want to use another grid you need to use this menu.
Opens a BURRTOOLS *.xmpuzzle file. A notification will pop up when a partially solved design is loaded. Short cut: [F3].
This entry opens a traditional file dialogue that allows importing PUZZLESOLVER3D files (*.puz) into BURRTOOLS. Although these imported designs often can be subjected to the solver right away, some postediting may be required because of the differences in the way BURRTOOLS handles holes in the result and duplicated pieces. BurrTools will import all the pieces from the *.puz file and assign them to the shapes S1 to Sn-1. Accordingly, the result from the PUZZLESOLVER3D file will be assigned to the last shape (Sn). Also a problem definition is automatically created (→ Chapter Puzzles).

Since all imported shapes consist only of fixed voxels, the result shape may need some editing (puzzles that have internal holes or pieces not filling the outskirts of the result shape) to make the solver run. Also, duplicated pieces should preferably be deleted from the Shapes list (→ Creating Shapes) but certainly from the Piece Assignment list (→ Piece assignment), otherwise BURRTOOLS will find way too many solutions (as it will distinguish all permutations of these identical pieces).

Saves your work into a *.xmpuzzle file. If the design had not been saved before (indicated with 'Unknown' in the BurrTools windows title bar) the Save As command will be activated. Short cut: [F2].
Save As
Allows you to save any changes to a new file, thus keeping the original design the way it was.
Shuts down BURRTOOLS.

Except when the solver is actually running, saving your work is always possible. This means that after stopping (pausing) the solver it is possible to save the results found thus far. Later on these partially solved puzzles can be loaded again and the solving process may be resumed. This allows you to subject 'huge' problems (e.g. 25 Y-pentominoes in a 5x5x5 cube assembly) to BURRTOOLS and have them solved in several sessions overnight or whenever you don't need your computer for other tasks.

The Configuration Menu

The Config item on the menu bar opens a new window (Figure Config) to set some options for the GUI. These settings will be stored in a file that is either in your home directory (UNIX) or in your profile (WINDOWS). The program will use these settings each time it is started.

Figure:The configuration window

Use openGL display lists
This option enables an optimisation for the 3-D viewer which makes it faster when drawing complex shapes. Sadly it seems to be that some OpenGL implementations don't properly support that option. So when you experience crashes when you edit shapes or rotate something in the 3-D view, try disabling this option.
Fade Out Pieces
This option affects the way pieces that become separated from the rest are depicted. Hence, the effects are visible only after running the solver (→ Visibility of Pieces).
Use Lights in 3D View
This option toggles the use of a spotlight in the 3-D viewer. When disabled, the items in the 3-D viewport get a uniform (high) illumination, whereas enabling this option provides a more rendered appearance of the objects by adding a spotlight in the upper right corner of the 3-D viewport and shading the faces of the objects. However, on some systems this may result in a relatively dark left bottom corner that can hamper a clear view of the objects.
Use Tooltips
By default BURRTOOLS shows tooltips for most of its controls, but to the more experienced user these soon become very annoying. This option allows you to switch these tooltips off.

The Status Bar

The status bar has two parts. On the left is given information about the task at hand, and on the right are some tools to alter the 3-D view. Currently you can select there how the 3-D view shows the shapes. You have the choice between the normal view where each piece is drawn with its default colour, or a view where each piece is drawn with its colour constraint colour (if it has one assigned → Adding Colour). The third option is an anaglyph called mode (see figure Window Anaglyph). In this mode the pieces are drawn using the red-cyan method to display real 3-D. You can view these with a red-green, red-blue, or red-cyan glasses. The red glass must be in front of your right eye.

Figure:Disassembler in Anaglyph Mode

The Tools Section

In between the menu bar and the status line is the most important part of BURRTOOLS: The section that allows you to submit existing puzzles to the solver, but more even important lets you create and test your own designs.

The Puzzle People

The tools section has three major tabs that might can be thought of by analogy with real people in the world of mechanical puzzles. First there is the Entities tab, which can be seen as the craftsman who creates different shapes but is not concerned with their purpose of these (→ Chapter Shapes). As long as his saw blade is sharp he's the happiest man in the whole wide world. Next, we have the Puzzle tab. This is the weirdo who thinks it's fun to come up with completely insane problems to be solved with the otherwise very innocent objects produced by our craftsman (→ Chapter Puzzles). However, his contribution to the preservation of our planet is considerable... by saving a lot of wood scraps from the incinerator. And last we have the Solver, the poor guy who spends not only a great deal of his money on these finely crafted puzzles but almost all of his leisure time on solving them (→ Chapter Solver), only to feel very euphoric when he finally succeeds. But scientists are still breaking their heads over the question whether this is caused by the sweet smell of success, or is merely due to severe sleep deprivation.

Resizing the Elements

Although the layout of the GUI is designed to suit the needs of most users, it sometimes may be useful to resize some elements for convenience in using BURRTOOLS. Besides the traditional resizing of the main window, BURRTOOLS has a couple of features to alter the relative importance of its controls.

First, the tools tabs can be made wider or narrower (thus making the 3-D viewport more or less important) by dragging the right edge of the tools section. Hovering your mouse pointer over that edge will make it change into a left-right arrow, indicating that you can start dragging it.

Second, within each of the three main tabs some sections (panels) can be resized as well. For example, if you have a design with many different shapes but no colour constraints at all, reducing the size of all colour related controls and maximising those concerning shapes could be very advantageous. The panels on the tool tabs are separated by so called resize handles (Figure Resize). The separators that allow resizing are easily recognised by a little beveled square on their right end. Hover your mouse pointer over the lines until it changes into an up-down arrow, indicating that you can drag the separator up or down to resize the panel.

Figure:Resize handles

Note that each section has a minimum size. It is not possible to make it smaller than that minimum size.

The 3-D Viewer

Normally the biggest part of the GUI is reserved for the 3-D viewport. In fact this 3-D viewer is threefold and has different properties for each of the tabs of the tools section. For the Entities tab the 3-D viewport shows the currently selected shape and reflects all editing operations performed on that shape. Also the x-, y- and z-axes are shown to assist navigating in space. With the Puzzle tab activated an overview of the current problem is presented: the result shape (double sized) on top and a single instance of each shape used as pieces below it. Finally, for the Solver tab, the 3-D viewer can be used to browse all assemblies found and/or show an animation of the moves involved in the disassembly of the puzzle.

Any object in the 3-D view can be rotated by simply dragging it, and the scrollbar on the right allows zooming in or out on that object by respectively moving the slider down or up. Note that the zoom settings are independent for each of the three tools tabs.

Extra options for the 3-D viewer are available in the Config menu (→ Config Menu).

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