The key concept of BURRTOOLS is shapes. A shape is simply a
definition of an object in 3-D space and consists of a collection of
voxels (space units). These voxels in turn may have their own
characteristics such as state and colour. Note that
this definition also includes shapes made out of voxels that are
attached to each other by only a single edge, just a corner, or even
are completely separated in space. The solver certainly won't bother...
but how these shapes could be crafted in the workshop is beyond the
scope of the program.
All functions and tools for creating and editing shapes — once the
grid type is set — are located on the Entities tab which
has — from top to bottom — three main sections (Figure
Figure: Creating shapes on the Entities tab
- The Shapes panel
- This section is mainly a list of the available shapes and has the
tools for creating and managing the shapes. Shapes to be edited can be
selected in this list (→CreatingShapes
- The Edit panel
- This section provides the tools to build or edit the currently
selected shape. This panel contains a series of subtabs with several
tools for adjusting the Size of the shapes,
Transform them in 3-D space, and some extra editing Tools
. Below these subtabs there's a toolbar with the devices for
actually constructing the shapes in the 2-D grid at the bottom of the
panel (→
- The Colours panel
- This panel contains — besides a list of the available colours — the
tools to create and edit custom colours which can be assigned to the
voxels of the shapes. These colours can be merely ornamental or can
have a serious impact on the way the solver will work by imposing
restrictions on the possible placements of the pieces (→
Adding Colour).